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J Street U Dounn Fellowship

J Street

J Street

Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
Posted on Aug 5, 2023


Help educate American students in Israel about the conflict and how they can work for peace in the region!

J Street U is the student organizing arm of J Street, the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans. J Street U’s impact depends on engaging college students in our advocacy and organizing work. For many students, experiences on the ground in Israel and the occupied territories served as a catalyst for their involvement in the movement.

The Lonnie Dounn Israel Fellows will recruit American undergraduates for Extend Trips to the Gaza Border, West Bank, and East Jerusalem, and introduce participants to the work of J Street U. In coordination with Extend Staff, J Street’s Deputy Israel Director and J Street U’s Operations and Programming Coordinator, Israel Fellows will expose American undergraduates to the realities of the occupation and connect them with J Street U back home.

Strong candidates will have a background or interest in Israel advocacy, organizing/activism, and J Street U’s work.


Expected Start Date: Monday, September 10th

Expected Hours Per Week: 3 to 5

Compensation: $750 per semester


Fellows responsibilities include:

Extend Trip Recruitment/Engagement

Fellows will advertise and recruit American college students for each Extend trip. Before, during, and after each trip, fellows will interact with attendees, identifying their self interest, and introducing them to the work of J Street U.

Fellows will coordinate recruitment for 6 trips, and have one on one conversations both to recruit for trips and to debrief trips with interested students.


Fellows will communicate updates and takeaways from trips to the Operations and Programming Coordinator.

Fellows will attend monthly check-ins with the J Street U Operations and Programming Coordinator as well as J Street’s Deputy Israel Director, at which they will provide updates on trip recruitment and identify students who are good candidates for engagement on their American college campuses.


Expanding our base of supporters means strengthening our digital footprint. Data management will be a critical part of fellows responsibilities.

Fellows are expected to follow the data entry process for students and ensure that all students who are being sponsored by J Street U for day trips are being added to our database.


  • At the conclusion of each term, fellows will be expected to complete a survey that will include information about the following:
    • Most successful program and why
    • Least successful program and why
    • Personal growth through the fellowship
    • Feedback regarding J Street U staff assistance, ideas for next year, etc.
  • Fellows will receive feedback from the Operations and Programming Coordinator on performance and growing edges.