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Chief Financial Officer

Reproductive Freedom for All

Reproductive Freedom for All

Accounting & Finance
Washington, DC, USA
Posted on Monday, February 12, 2024

About Reproductive Freedom for All (Formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America)

For more than 50 years, Reproductive Freedom for All and its chapters have fought to protect and expand reproductive freedom —including access to abortion and contraception — for everybody. We are powered by our more than 4 million members from every state and congressional district in the country, representing the 8 in 10 Americans who believe every person should have the freedom to make the best decision for themselves about if, when, and how to raise a family.

Reproductive Freedom for All centers diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in our organization and our work. Continuously learning from our history, we hold ourselves accountable to achieve reproductive freedom with equitable access for everybody. As the oldest and largest national membership organization primarily focused on advocating for abortion access, we organize and mobilize, galvanizing millions of people to take action to defend reproductive freedom, and shining a spotlight of accountability on bad actors who work to impose their ideological agenda on others. We also work to elect champions for reproductive freedom and advance state and federal legislation to safeguard it. For more information on Reproductive Freedom for All, please visit our website.

Reproductive Freedom for All Seeks Chief Financial Officer

Reproductive Freedom For All is looking for a Chief Financial Officer to play a pivotal role in driving our financial strategy and ensuring the realization of our organizational goals. We seek a visionary and strategic leader who is passionate about our cause, possesses strong financial acumen, is engaging with stakeholders at all levels, and demonstrates a proven ability to navigate complex financial landscapes.

The ideal candidate will bring a blend of financial expertise, strategic insight, interpersonal skills, and a dedication to advancing our mission. The ideal candidate for the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) role within our non-profit political organization embodies a unique blend of financial acumen and passion for social impact. They should possess a proven track record of financial leadership within the non-profit sector, navigating complex regulatory frameworks and optimizing financial strategies to support our mission, while building and maintaining strong relationships among peers, colleagues, the Board of Directors, and other stakeholders both internal and external to the organization.

Duties include developing and supervising the organization's budget in alignment with strategic goals. This entails adeptly forecasting income, meticulously managing expenses, and judiciously allocating financial resources. The incumbent is also responsible for keeping vigilant oversight of compliance with financial regulations and tax laws, coupled with robust risk mitigation through internal controls and policies.


Location: Washington, DC

Reports To: President and CEO

Positions Reporting to this Position: Controller and IT Director

This Position Is: Full-time, Exempt, Non-Union

Salary Range: $190,000 - $270,000

In this role you will:

  • Financial Planning and Budgeting: Developing and overseeing the organization's budget in alignment with its strategic goals. This involves forecasting income, managing expenses, and ensuring financial resources are allocated appropriately;
  • Financial Reporting: Demonstrating transparency in generating accurate and timely financial reports for internal stakeholders, the board, and external entities as required by regulations. This includes income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements;
  • Compliance and Risk Management: Ensuring compliance with all financial regulations, tax laws, and reporting requirements. Identifying and mitigating financial risks through robust internal controls and policies;
  • Funding and Grant Management: Managing funding sources, including grants, donations, and sponsorships;
  • Financial Analysis and Strategy: Providing financial analysis to the President and CEO, and in collaboration with the Executive Team, to support strategic decision-making. Evaluating financial performance, identifying trends, and offering recommendations to improve efficiency and effectiveness, all with a focus on achieving excellence in financial outcomes;
  • Treasury Management: Overseeing cash flow management, investments, and banking relationships. Ensuring adequate liquidity while optimizing returns on investments within the organization's risk tolerance;
  • Leadership and Team Management: Leading the finance team, providing guidance, support, and mentorship. Ensuring the team operates efficiently and collaborates effectively with other departments embracing values of collaboration, equity, inclusion, and transparency;
  • Audit and Compliance Oversight: Coordinating and managing external audits, ensuring transparency and accuracy in financial reporting. Implementing recommendations from audits to enhance financial controls;
  • Technology and Process Improvement: Embracing and implementing financial technologies and tools to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance reporting accuracy;
  • Ethical and Legal Standards: Upholding ethical standards in financial practices and ensuring the organization adheres to all legal and regulatory requirements;
  • Other duties as needed.


  • 12 + years of relevant experience;
  • Bachelor's degree in Finance, Accounting, Economics, Business Administration, or other relevant field required. Advanced degrees such as an MBA, Masters in Finance, or CPA (Certified Public Accountant) are advantageous;
  • Extensive experience in finance and accounting roles, including several years in progressively responsible leadership positions directly related to the discipline;
  • Non-Profit experience is an added advantage;
  • Strong financial acumen, including expertise in budgeting, financial planning, forecasting, and financial analysis. Experience with fund accounting and managing diverse funding sources like grants, donations, and sponsorships is highly valuable;
  • In-depth knowledge of relevant financial regulations, tax laws, and compliance requirements for not-for-profit organizations. Experience in successfully managing audits and ensuring adherence to legal standards is critical;
  • Demonstrated leadership abilities, including team management, strategic planning, and decision-making skills. Experience in leading and mentoring a finance team is important.
  • Excellent communication skills to effectively convey financial information to diverse stakeholders, including board members, staff, donors, and external partners. Strong interpersonal skills for building relationships and collaborations is key to the success of this position;
  • Proficiency in analyzing financial data, identifying trends, and making data-driven decisions. The capability to solve complex financial problems and propose effective solutions;
  • Familiarity with financial management software, accounting systems, and tools to streamline financial processes and reporting. Adaptability to new technologies and willingness to leverage them for efficiency;
  • Commitment to ethical practices and integrity in financial management, ensuring adherence to law, regulation, and policy, and working in transparency and accountability in all financial dealings;
  • Strong leadership and team management skills enabling collaboration, excellence and inclusion within teams;
  • Commitment to the mission of reproductive freedom for all;
  • Demonstrated commitment to working in an environment that values diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Reproductive Freedom for All does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, socioeconomic status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, disability, marital status, veteran status, genetic information, or political affiliation.
Candidates with backgrounds, identities, and experiences that are historically underrepresented in reproductive freedom non-profits are encouraged to apply.