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Field Manager

Siembra NC

Siembra NC

Posted 6+ months ago

About Siembra NC

Siembra NC (and our c3 affiliate, Somos Siembra) is a grassroots organization focused on building power by organizing our Latinxs gente in North Carolina. We’re part of the movement to overturn the New Confederacy by electing candidates up and down the ballot who will back our campaigns to reclaim stolen wages, stop exploitative landlords and keep ICE, sheriffs and police from separating, jailing and abusing Black & Brown North Carolinians. In addition to successful campaigns to defend workers, stop evictions and free dozens from ICE jails, we’ve registered thousands of Latinos to vote each of the last three years and have led the state’s largest Latino voter engagement door program in 2020 and 2022. We’re part of a movement ecosystem that successfully mobilized over 400,000 additional progressive voters in the last presidential election, have become one of only six states to gain a congressional seat following the 2020 Census, and laid the groundwork to make the state a battleground state for the 2024 presidential election.